If at first you don't succeed........

Almost exactly one year ago, I thought it would be a really good idea to write a blog on the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award criteria and how they could be used to improve small business. Not every business has the necessary assets to compete for the Baldrige, or even for one of the local quality awards. But, every business, even a one man operation or a "mom and pop" operation can use the Baldrige criteria as a road map for improvement.
The idea was to provide you with links and comments to help you in your efforts to improve. But,,,,2005 didn't turn out to be the year I thought it would be and the blog fell by the wayside. Among other things, I had to give up my spot on the Missouri Quality Award Board of Examiners. In March, I had a minor heart attack. We had planned to build a new house in 2005 and that plan ended up being put on hold.
But, 2006 is a new year. Things are back on track and the Excellence-in-Business blog is back. Since it's been almost a year since the last post, I've edited all the original posts, making them current. I will be here on a somewhat regular basis to provide you with what I hope is good information for your quest for quality.
To get us started, my first suggestion is that you go to the NIST web site and download a copy of the 2006 Baldrige Criteria for your particular business. There are three different sets of criteria, "Criteria for Performance Excellence", "Education Criteria for Performance Excellence", and "Health Care Criteria for Performance Excellence."
While your on the NIST site, take a look around at the other material that's available there. We'll be talking about it in future posts.
Of course, your comments are welcome and encouraged.
Categories: baldrige, criteria, excellence
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